Explore how on-demand public transit could look in Portland.

Cities around the world are building better, more integrated public transit networks, and our team of planners thinks Portland is overflowing with opportunities.

We dug into data like population density, proximity to hospitals and grocery stores, and the percentage of households without a car to build you an interactive map featuring how transit could look in your community.

Image of street.

Via spent some time digging into both transit and demographic data in your city — things like population density, proximity to hospitals and grocery stores, and the percentage of households without a car in your city.

The result: We found some areas where on-demand transit could compliment your existing network. Zoom into the map to explore the details, and toggle the data layers on or off using tiles in the right column. Any questions? Book time with us below!

Want to learn more?

Book time with our team below, and we'll walk you through the map and help answer any questions.