Build your own on-demand transit network.

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Investing in on-demand public transportation can spark a million questions. What should it look like? How will it interact with bus routes and train lines? How many vehicles will your network need?

That’s why we developed three distinct tools to help bring your microtransit dreams to life, giving you a sense of just some of the many variables that go into designing a service.

What kind of service do you want to build today?

  • On-Demand Microtransit Builder: Imagine your very own on-demand microtransit service. Adjust the fleet size, tweak your wait times, and watch how an on-demand service could come to life.
  • Microtransit + Fixed Route Builder: Curious how fixed routes and on-demand networks might coexist? Build a microtransit solution that maintains popular bus or train lines while also solving specific problems, like reaching transit deserts.
  • On-Demand Bus Builder: Dynamic tech = better buses. Your existing fleets could be much better — and this tool will show you how.

So let’s start with the basics. Enter your info to check out the three tools, discovering how considerations like fleet size and wait times could impact transportation in your community.