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Integrating AVs with public transportation

There’s no doubt that autonomous vehicles, or AVs for short, provide great fodder for imagining the future of transportation. But, do they actually benefit society?

Many transportation experts are still unsure, because we haven’t seen a clear roadmap for AVs becoming fully integrated into public transit systems. Rather, the majority of information situates AVs as separate from public transit or only the latest innovation of private vehicles. But the fact is, transportation needs will define the future of AVs — not the other way around.

In this guide, we delve into the why and how of bringing AVs to mass transit. Sticking to relevant use cases and leveraging on-demand, dynamic, and shared TransitTech will be critical to unlocking the true potential of driverless transportation.

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What you'll learn:
  • The benefits of implementing AVs as public transportation
  • How to bring the vision of AVs in mass transit to life
  • Successful AV transit projects in Arlington, Texas, and Grand Rapids, Michigan