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Deciding to invest in on-demand public transportation is one thing. Using real community and transit data to fully understand where on-demand will seamlessly integrate with existing fixed routes is quite another.
Join expert transit planners from the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) in Salt Lake City and PalmTran in Palm Beach County, FL as they walk you through how they evaluated where to invest in on-demand zones. Hosted by Remix, panelists will use interactive maps to show how they decided on service areas, which data sets they reviewed, what tradeoffs were made, and how they ultimately decided on where on-demand transit provided the most bang for their buck.
- Eric Callison, Manager of Service Planning, Utah Transit Authority
- Nina Verzosa, Strategic Planning Manager, PalmTran
- Kyle Boehm, Partner Success Team, Remix by Via
Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of everything that goes into planning a successful microtransit network without the need for guesswork.